Election time in Malaysia means rallies, rallies, and more rallies all over the country to spread propaganda and gather support from the voting public. Penang State is pretty hot now, it is predicted the Opposition parties of DAP and Anwar's KeADILan will grab a whole bunch of seats here. That's what making Badawi and the Gerakan Party guys a little uneasy. Still, there's very little chance of Opposition getting over 50% of the State seats to form their own little Republic of Penang.
"Dude, we're like... full so you hafta sit in the yard, bro..."
No place to sit inside... so the organizers had assembled several projectors in the parking lot for latecomers like us.

"Hi! My name is Anwar! Vote for me!"
The message from a wisecracking Anwar Ibrahim, yelling Guang Eng, and Mr.Karpal was nothing new for me. I've read the same thing in DAPs manifestos. Anyway, Badawi has really pissed me off that, rest assured Mr.Anwar & Kit Siang... I won't be voting for BN.
But to the folks standing/sitting/squatting inside...
they listened... wanting to hear what The Other Guys have to say. Estimated, over 9000 in total came for the ceramah. Thats right! Over Nine Thousaaand!
Even the rain didn't really stop them. Sure, some folks did leave, but really-latecomers still came in through the campus gates, eager to attend the ceramah.
The next morning, no word on this ceramah and the crowd of over nine thousaaand appeared on the pages of 'The Star' newspaper. Not surprising, since its government owned. But we DID have an op-ed by Wong Chun Wai cautioning Malaysian minorities that we won't have a Chinese/Indian/Lain-lain Minister in the next Cabinet if we voted for the Opposition, which only served to piss me off further.
Who needs a Chinese/Indian/Other Minister from the Barisan Nazional when he/she is only a puppet of UMNO?
When I leave for Selangor to cast my vote, my hope is the large turnout of Penangites at Saturday's DAP rally will translate into votes. Maybe my hopes will come true.
1 comment:
Thanks to Mr Wong Chun Wai -- all my friends & I voted the opp.
Mr or Datuk Wong ah..? anyhow thanks
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